Presented a lecture on Introduction to Phagosurgery and was a panelist in Dysphagia – Difficult Case Scenarios panel at the Larynx 2022 conference held on July 17th at kochi
Dr. Vidhyadharan THANC: Gave a lecture on Benign Pathological lesions in the Larynx and participated in discussions at the CANCON 2022 – CONFERENCE ON HEAD AND NECK ONCOLOGY (TRANSORAL LASER SURGERY IN EARLY LARYNGEAL LESIONS) held on 18th July, 2022 at Cytecare Cancer Hospitals, Bangalore .
Kurinji 2022 conference
Conducted an instructional course on Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing Study at Kurinji 2022 conference held on the 21st August , 2022 at Kodaikanal.
Larynx 2022 conference
Presented a lecture on Introduction to Phagosurgery and was a panelist in Dysphagia – Difficult Case Scenarios panel at the Larynx 2022 conference held on July 17th at kochi.
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